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Website Design

In this day and age if your website isn’t beautifully crafted and functions well, people are much less likely to do business with you. It doesn’t matter how big or small your business is, a beautiful website screams professionalism. Everything from the mobile responsive view of your website to the desktop should flow and function in favor of your users.

At A&A we specialize in designing beautiful websites. We take into consideration everything from the color scheme to pictures to capture your customers focus and bring out the professionalism of your business. We do this in a few simple steps.

We Analyze Your Customers

We use any sort of data and analytics to show exactly where your customers click and go to on your website currently. If that data is unavailable, we analyze the top competitors in your industry. Doing this paints a picture of where your customers are navigating and what they are actually looking for. 

Once that is done designing your website becomes easy. It’s advised to used the color scheme of your logo but in the case of older logos a redesign may be in order.

Choose A Great Color Scheme

A good color scheme is always difficult to come up with. Lighter schemes are deemed more professional and it is advised to use a palate that combines primary colors that match the theme of your business. In the case of A&A we decided to use a similar scheme of primary colors that coincides with what Google does because the core of our business is centered around marketing and SEO.

Develop A Great Layout

Next is to design the layout of the website. This should be directly influenced by the ideas that came up during the strategy phase. Implement your proposed color scheme and ensure that what your customers are looking for is front and center.

At A&A we use professional design software for this including Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. We start with the mobile version first and develop out from there. The reason why developing mobile first is important is because most of your users will be viewing your website from their phones. It’s an increasingly prevalent trend so your mobile view is important.

We have more design strategies and implementation plans in our blog if you’re interested in doing it yourself! Otherwise our experts can redesign or come up with a new design.